
by Someone, 21.09.2022 15:44

Current state of uniqueness

Light speed reaction
Control ourburst
Titan will
Keeping up too many things
Working like a charm
High ping reaction
Light speed reaction
Control ourburst
Titan will
Keeping up too many things
Working like a charm
High ping reaction

720d 3ff 13v 9kkn


Untypical cognitive tracker

✓ Track your states

✓ Explore with friends

✓ Compare to gloval


This test reflects your brain functions — exactly as your physical features are reflected in the mirror. Using this test you can get an understanding of your current mental state and determine functions that work at a high level and those that need improvement. It’s like a pocket mirror of your mind. Use it wisely.

The test tracks your cognitive state within 10 values by measuring simple actions you do in the web interface. Period of time, physical and emotional state in which you take the test affects the results. You can monitor various states of your brain index and use them as a plot for self-research. We provide the technology and rather creative methods of interpretation.

✓ Track your states

✓ Explore with friends

✓ Compare to gloval


Track your cognitive, social and even semantic powers?

3 dimensions


We have created Fractal Mirrors as an instrument for self-discovery, unexpected insights, hidden patterns of self-identification, fun, and personal development. We explore dimensions of human knowledge, the newest technologies, and aim to build a better society.

First dimension

Cognitive State


How does your brain work at the moment?
Tech-powered look through your mind

Second dimension

Social Appearance


How to understand yourself through the people around?
Insights from mirrors reflected one by another

Third dimension

Semantic essence


Can you answer the main questions of the universe?
Unsolved questions that solve your own puzzles


Power of the community
We appreciate your expertise


Fractal Mirrors are the quintessence of technological breakthroughs and philosophical wisdom. We combined numerous researches aiming to grant a possibility for self-exploration and world research. Cognitive, Social and Semantic testings are now gathered in one model and accessible to everyone with visually satisfying design. Dive inside the depth of your mind and discover yourself more and more in the journey to a better world. Powered by exclusive technologies and community-driven roadmap.

>> Publications

PM for collaboration

Meta Sadhu Lab is a collective of enthusiasts who take inspiration from Eastern philosophy and modern cognitive science to create products for developing the global consciousness.

Essentially, we aim to raise the ability to understand oneself and others to a higher level — beyond the matrix designed by our civilization.


अगले कदम

>> PM for collaborations